Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Hi everyone!!!
Now is the time you have all been waiting for! It's time for another exciting installment of LAUREN IN THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (extended version)
This month has been going swimmingly. I started the month in the Academy, or as I like to call it Auschwitz. It's all right. Not really, it kind of sucks, but oh well.

My half birthday was on the 11th. Thanks for all the call, cards, good wishes and gifts, everyone. Whatever! This week I am at OJT (on the job training) (oh, P.S. everything at CPS is in acronyms, as now am I). Anyway, I started this week at the office. I'm getting along with everyone in my office really well. It seems like I was lucky enough to be placed in the only unit that actually likes each other. I've seem some pretty crazy stuff this week. It would be wrong to say it was fun, but it kind of was. I'm also a little bit bored. I am yet to receive a case load because I'm still a rookie, so I do a lot of sitting around. Yesterday I drew a picture of George Washington on a pink Post-It note. Oddly enough it is like the best picture I have ever drawn. I am going to post it when I figure out how. Until then, just picture the best picture of George Washington on a pink Post-It that you have ever seen, it looks just like that.

The other day I was watching TV when I remembered that Medium was going to be in 3D. Unfortunately, I did not have any 3D glasses, so I was afraid I would miss out on all the 3D fun. So I used a red dry erase marker and a blue dry erase marker to color in the lenses on my glasses. I was so sure this would work, but then Kellie told me that this was stupid and it would definitely not work. Luckily the 3D episode is on the 21st, so I have time to find some real 3D glasses. I don't know why I told that story. Wow, I could be going insane.

In other news, Mom and Mommo came over for the weekend and we had a super fun time filled with side-splitting laughter and lots of shoppin. They helped me unpack the last few boxes that I was too extremely tired to unpack and Mommo ironed every piece of clothing I own. She also went ahead and cut all the tags off of everything, so I have no idea what size I wear.

Adi cam up last weekend and we went shopping for bride's maids dresses. For some reason me in these frilly dresses is just hysterical. We though we were going to get kicked out of David's Bridal for laughing so loud. We finally found one that doesn't look funny on me, so we left happy. We also tried out the Studio Movie Grill. For those of you in the Styx (Amber) that is where people can enjoy a fine dining experience while watching a movie. It would have been cool, but it was expensive and it smelled like everyone's food. Imagine onion rings, broccoli, and apple pie smells all mixed together. Gross. Other than those two things and all the noise, it was fun.

Wow, this is a long story, but I have a lot to say, so quite yo' complaining. Yesterday was the best day ever! I went to my first Mavericks game! Our seats were on the fifth row after the floor seats. We were almost on the floor and right by the rail. When the Mavs came back on the court after half time, my friend and I high fived them. We actually touched Dirk Nowitzki!!!!! Swoon! He liked my high five skills and asked me on a date right then and there. We are getting married next fall so keep September '06 open.

Blue (the fish) is still alive and swimmin'. He has a Thanksgiving themed fish bowl. He loves it. Maybe. Speaking of Thanksgiving, apparently I am having it at my house this year. For those of you coming to that, I suggest you bring your own chair or something to sit on because I only have four chairs. Also, if anyone has a table that would be great. This event will make for some good stories for Lauren in the City 3, stay tuned. Well, I guess that is it for this installment of Lauren n the City #2. Sorry it was so long, but I have got such a fun life goin' for me here in D-Town. Well, got to go. I've got some more grown-up city stuff to do. Love Y'all!!! Bye

Lauren Nowitski


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