Lauren In The City

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

LAUREN IN THE CITY VOLUME 3: Special End of Year Edition!!!

Hello everyone!!!!! How's it going?
Things are great here in the city. Christmas was on Sunday for those of you who forgot. It was a good time. Things at work are going pretty good. I am still in the academy. Blah. Blue (the fish) is still doing well, although I put a Christmas tree in his bowl and he pushed it over, then I thought, how rude am I to assume he celebrates Christmas, I think he is Jewish. As I write this I am noticing that not a lot has gone on this month. So, to spice things up and make this Lauren in the City as fun as emailing-ly possible, I will now comprise a list of my favorite and least favorite things of 2005. Sorry, this is going to take a while to read:
And now I bring to you, Lauren's favorite things of 2005!!!!! (in no particular order)

Movies I love love loved!!! (in no particular order)
Jarhead- Jake Gyllenhaal is hot hot hot!
Rent-I've seen it twice and I can't get enough of it! I had to cover my mouth with my hands to keep from singing aloud
Crash- makes you think, unless you are dumb and don't think
Red Eye- I was so afraid the whole movie, but everything turned out OK
Sky High- so funny and cute. Fun for all ages, the girl who turns into a guinea pig is the cat's pajamas
Mr. and Mrs. Smith- hot hot hot
Mad Hot Ballroom
Was Garden State this year? (See above picture)
at this time, I can't think of anymore.

TV- funny moments and shows I wish would go on forever!
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE- very entertaining, especially the effeminate guy who thought he was the greatest dancer in the world! I also loved Kellie's and my attempts to rename the show: So You Can Think You Can Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, That show where those people dance a lot, SYTYCD, etc
Season Finales!: This was the year of awesome season finales: Alias, I literally fell off the couch at this one. The OC, Holy Moly! Six Feet Under, so deep, so sad, yet so happy. Nip/Tuck, frightening and really gross. ER, crazy.
The time on Lisa Kudrow's show, The Comeback, when she hit the bad guy in the stomach and he barfed, thus causing her to barf. Hilarious and gross.I think Kellie, will be the only one who knows what I am talking about, that's cool.
Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Robot Chicken, Alias, Arrested Development: all my favorite shows of 2005
Bob Loblaw on Arrested development. Just saying his name out loud makes me laugh. Also from Arrested Development, Charlize Theron as the mentally retarded British woman who no one knew was mentally retarded because she was British and spoke so eloquently.

My MP3 player. Love it can't live without it.
TIVO-- possibly the greatest invention since the wheel and string cheese
Blockbuster online- so much fun, and you guys thought I had seen a lot of movies before.
Some of my favorite things on the Internet: the most hilarious thing of the year: the bear on the trampoline
This blond joke, courtesy of Jennifer Cooke: A blond was reading the newspaper and the headline blared, "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed." She shook her head at the sad news, then turned to the stranger sitting next to her and asked, "how many is a Brazilian?" - funny, random and weird, my three favorite things

My favorite people of 2005 are Kelly Clarkson, Rachel McAdams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sarah Silverman, Kanye West, Jennifer Garner, Suzy from the Biggest Loser, Cody Hodges, Hillary Swank, Drew Barrymore, Madonna and Coldplay, Oprah and Ellen
Random Cool Things from 2005:
All of my friends who got engaged, married and/or pregnant this year. That's enough. I can't go to anymore weddings. Just kidding, I think I could stand a few more, Adi, Jennifer and whomever else I forgot. For those of you who got pregnant: I think all of you should name your kids Lauren.
Crazy people: whether they were crazy on crack or drunk, or just plain crazy, these people provided some of the most hysterical, at times frightening moments of 2005
My sudden affliction of Inappropriate Laughter Syndrome. I laugh at very inappropriate times. It's really funny, for those of you who haven't experienced it.
My favorite words of 2005: #1 didgeridoo, Sheboygan, donezo, tort, filibuster
Not being in school for the first time since 1989
That opera lady who sang at graduation, I thought I was going to wet my pants, that was so funny, for those of you who missed it, sorry 'bout ya, maybe you should have gotten out of bed earlier, (Amber)
My fish Blue

And my most favorite thing of 2005......(drum rolls please)....
DALLAS!!!! Wooohoooo and Kelly Clarkson and my new couch and my new Kitchenaid

Now quickly my least favorite things of 2005: shingles, Tyra Banks, Britney Spears and K Fed, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the advisers at Texas Tech, except Angel, President Bush, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, stupid people and Aunt Julie. Boo. A thousand times boo., a plague on your houses!

What are your favoirte and least favorite things of 2005? If any of you can think of anything I left out or disagree with anything, feel free to comment.
Well, kids, I guess that is it for 2005 Lauren in the City. I will see you all next year with Lauren in the City 4: 2006 Edition.
Gotta go, I've got lots of grown up city things to do now. Love y'all!



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