Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Yes, that's right another month has slipped away, and you know what that means...
It's time for
LAUREN IN THE CITY 4!!!: HAPPY NEW YEAR EDITION!!!!! WooHooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The month started off really well when I won the College Bowl picks contest!!! Haha all you Idalou people. How could a group of football coaches get beat by someone who just picked the winners by if they had a hot quarterback, if their mascot was cute, or if their colors were pleasing? Just kidding, I don't want to gloat, I'm just glad to have that money!!! See you next year Blair McGee.

So January went pretty well. I went to my first dirty house at work. And when I say dirty I don't mean dirty like my room was when I was in college. I'm talking make-you-vomit-if-you-stay-in-there-for-too-long dirty. I won't nauseate you will all the gory details, but let's just say it involved Animal Cops Dallas, three big dogs, a two room shack, a cracked out crazy lady, and a WHOLE lotta dog poo! When we were there I found a crack pipe. I was very proud of my discovery! The cops were too. They arrested crazy crack lady and her three dogs.

In other work news I finally graduated from the academy! I was sooooo glad. That place sucked. I am now a part of the first graduating class of the "new and improved" CPS training system. And by "new and improved" I mean long and incredibly boring. The instructors informed us three days before the "graduation ceremony" that we had to plan our own graduation. I was like, "sweet, let's not have one and go home early." No one else shared my enthusiasm. No, instead we had one of the other students sing a gospel song. I tell you what; I was feeling the Holy Spirit after she was done. Not really, it wasn't that good. Then to top it all off someone in my class had the bright idea of wearing New Year's hats for the ceremony. I felt so lame. But, I survived and I now have started my real work. I already have five cases. I'm not too excited about that part.

In other news, not much has been going on. I'm kind of boring these days. That's cool, someday I will find something cool to do on the weekends. I'm thinking wind surfing, pro-bass fishing, base-jumping, or knitting. If anyone has any ideas for fun hobbies for me, I am open for suggestions.

I saw a few movies this month. #1 on my January list is Match Point! Holy guacamole that was a good movie!!! It could be my favorite this year. I watched Cinderella Man the other day. It was really really good, I recommend it. I also rented a documentary called Murder Ball, it is about the US quadriplegic rugby team. It was really good. I also saw Brokeback Mountain, and I really liked it. I didn't like Jake Gyllenhaal's pedophile mustache towards the end of the movie, but I think I will let that go. Oh, I also rented Junebug. I was soooooooooo soooooooo soooooo good. I loved it. It has Ryan from the OC in it. He was a jerk, but the movie was awesome. I can't think of any thing else that I saw this month, but I know there has to have been more. If not, I am seriously slacking in my movie watching.

I started Weight Watchers and I have already lost 7 pounds in two weeks! I am really excited about that.

And now for the stupid or funny story, (it's subjective how you will feel about it) of the month:
Adi and I decided that it would be fun to test out my new Kitchenaid by making a delicious dessert. So we couldn't decide between a key lime pie and a raspberry lemon pound cake, so we decided to make both. It was really fun to cook and we were having a good time. We felt like chefs. The key lime pie was done first. Long story short, it was the most disgusting thing I had ever eaten!! It tasted like feet! Sick!
So we threw it away and decided that the pound cake would be our saving grace. Nope. It took the place of the ill-fated key lime pie as the worst thing I had ever eaten. I would have rather eaten Thanksgiving dinner on the floor at the crazy crack lady's dog poo house. Seriously, it was gross. I felt like a failure. It turns out that you need cake flour when it calls for it, not regular flour. Also when it says sifted cake flour you should always sift. Don't try to cut corners. Also when making a key lime pie, never, ever ever ever, use anything but freshly squeezed key lime juice. Never try to save time by buying the juice that had already been squeezed. Trust me, it smells and tastes like skunk. I'm still looking for what my signature dessert will be. I have to find something that I can use my Kitchenaid to make, and that is good for Weight Watchers. Any suggestions?

OK, so I guess that is all for now. Gotta run, I've got some grown-up city stuff that must be done post haste.

Love y'all,Lauren


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