Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Yes, that's right another month has been nicely folded and tucked away, that means it's time for another exciting...


Helllloooooo all you country dwellers, and Elaine and Amber R.(Tulsa counts as a city right?) What is goin down?!!! Things are fantastic here in the great city of Dallas! February was a big month for me, I'll get to that later.
At the first of the month not really anything happened. I finally got a case load, that is not feasible to work with. The "Governor" says that caseworkers should have seven cases max, I am topping out at about 24. The average is 40. Good thing I'm in the union, so I can fight such injustices in the future. Whatever.
I have discovered It is the best thing in the world! You can check the artist, songs and albums you like and then, the magic that is the Internet plays them for you and throws in some songs that you haven't heard since Jr High and that you secretly still love. It's really a magical thing. Just go to and click on music. You have to join, but it's free and it's worth your time. I think you can also listen to my station some how. That would be fun. Seriously. They play the Cranberries like 20 times a day. I love it! If anyone can think of anything cooler than this let me know.
I came to Lubbock, sorry for any of those who missed me that trip, Mom, Dad, pretty much everyone. It was fun, but I like Dallas much more. I want to come to Lubbock when there is not a wedding or a baby being born or something like that. Uhhhh, what else, I got Bronchitis. Then I spent 100 dollars at the freakin' pharmacy! Being a grown up sucks sometimes, I guess. I have lost 15 lbs!!! WoooHOoooooooo. That means only 4 more and I have reached one of my goals and I get to buy myself an ipod!. I hope I can knock those babies out this week so I can get my ipod next week. I can't wait for my ipod! I'm going to name it Curtis.
I have discovered something new here that I love love love! It's called midnight movies at the Inwood theater! They play old movies at midnight at this movie theater that is also a bar! It's super fun! I saw one of my all time favorite movies, Donnie Darko there the other night! Next week is Sixteen Candles, then PULP FICTION!!! Then Reservoir Dogs!!! Then, drum roll.....GOOOONIES!!!!! It's like they went into my brain and said, what are some movies that Lauren would really like to get a chance to see on the big screen? Then they picked them all. If only they had Drop Dead Gorgeous or From Justin to Kelly. Just joking on that last one. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. No really, I'm not. Am...
hummmm. What else exciting has happened lately.... I can't really think of anyth...
I am now the official movie reviewer for Kidd Kraddick in the morning. Or at least until they get tired of me and stop calling. Last week I reviewed Running Scared. There was a lot going on in the studio, so I don't really think I did very well, but it was a blizast! They wouldn't really let me talk, I had like four pages of jokes to do, but I didn't get to do them. I'll have to be more persistent. Big Al and Kidd are kind of good lookin' in a weird perv-old man kind of way. For those of you who don't know, Kidd Kraddick is a NATIONAL RADIO SHOW!!! And I'm on it. Can you believe it!!??? You can tune in to to listen live if you live in the sort of land that doesn't carry Kidd (Amber R). Tonight I am going to see Dave Chapelle's Block Party, I like to go to these special critics' screenings because there are real critics there and they are hilarious to watch a movie with. I'm not that excited, but at least I'm not going to a horror movie. What will I do when I have to go see a horror movie, when does the Hills Have Eyes remake come out? I think next week. I may have to be out of town or something for that one. The movies out right now really suck. I can't wait till the Oscars are over and the good movies can start coming out again.
Also, on Friday when I am on, Ashley Parker Angel (formerly of O-town) will be in studio. I am going to take a picture with him and tell him that I like his show, but I hated his band. Then I might buy him breakfast because I hear he's broke these days. Mom, O-town was one of those cookie cutter boy bands of the late 90's and he was in it. Now he is broke and he has a reality show on MTV about being a loser. He's real cute too. I'm going to wear a nice shirt. So, that's that. If y'all think of anything funny to say about something funny Dave Chapelle says email me and maybe I can use it on the show.
I guess that is about it. I will be back in Lubbock in April, maybe later March, but probably not. You all need to come and see me in Dallas!!! But please, not all at the same time, I only have one blow-up bed.
Oh, also, my dad (some of you may know him) made a HOLE IN ONE!!!! I am so proud! I wish so much that I could have been there! Way to go DAD!!!
I guess that is all for now. I can't really think of anything else. Kidd Kraddick is kind of over shadowing everything right now. Sorry, I just found out they want me back for this week. I'm still a bit excited.

I would like to hear from (insert name) in the (country, city, suburb, etc.), it doesn't have to be just me doing the news letter. Also, everyone, I have officially quit chain emails. Do not send me them. I don't care if it's from your mom and a starving kid with cancer needs my email do not send them to me. I do my part for helping kids, I think I'm good in that realm. You will rue the day if you send me a junk or chain email. I want only personal messages, or funny things. OK, that's all on that. Sorry to get all begiggetty.
Well, I'd like to write more, but I know you are all very busy! And, I am busy too, busy, but worn out.

OK, so I guess that is all for now. Gotta run, I've got some grown-up city stuff that must be done...later. Love y'all!!!

Lauren Ebert


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