Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lauren in the City 6


Hello all you non-awesome city dwellers! How's it goin'? Things are fantastic in this beautiful city I like to call Dallas! Not very many funny things happened last month (March for those who forgot), so that is why LITC was late; I had to get inspired! And I now have. I think that I will do March and half of April, because I wasn't inspired until now and it's April. Any who...
March started with a BANG, no it started with a KAAAABBBOOOOOMMMMMMMM!
Yes, my friends, I finally got to see the Toadies, and release my mother from the prison of my discontent for her. For those of you who are unaware of this story, which is pretty much everyone but my mom...
It all started in the year 2001... (imagine some memory travel music)
One of my favorite bands in the whole world was the Toadies. They were so cool. They totally rocked it out, and FINALLY, I was old enough to go see them in concert. And they came to Lubbock for a show. Long story short, I went to the concert, they came on late, so I called my mom to get a rare curfew extension (yes, I was 18 with a curfew, it happens). Alas, I was not granted clemency, and I had to leave the concert early. I only witnessed two ingenious songs... A few weeks later, I received the news that my beloved Toadies had broken up, and my chance to see them was lost FOREVER...
Back to the present, well not really present, back to March 2006. A mere five years later, I found out that the TOADIES WERE COMING TO DALLAS FOR A ONE TIME SHOW!!!! WoooooHooooo!!!
So I went, it was awesome and I now can forgive my mom. MOM, I forgive you!!!
That was a lot longer than I thought it would be, sorry.
Before the Toadies, we got to see a St. Patty's Day parade! It was really fun. I think, though, that it was really the Dallas County parade of FREAKS! There were some weird peeps in that parade. Also, Kinky Friedman was there! That dude is crazy, but very entertaining. Vote for Kinky, he will do some really great stuff for techers! Seriously, look it up.
The rest of the month went without a hitch. Stuff at work is getting CRAZY!!! I have a lot of stuff to do. I got to name a kid. No, really I did. When she is adopted the parents will probably re-name her, but for now her name is Winfrey Lea. I have another kid to name, so if you have any suggestions...
Also, it's time once again for my annual Kelly Clarkson concert time. Tickets are on sale this Saturday!!! The concert is in San Antonio! That should be super duper!!! And in slightly more exciting news...
I am sooooooo excited about this one. Their new album comes out MAY 23rd!!! You can hear their new song on their website They also have a new video, it's creepy, kind of Crucible-like. I love it!!! And I love them!!! They are touring this summer and that is why, it will be THE BEST SUMMER EVER!!!!
OK, just a few more things...
Now for news:
I hope this is OK to write. If not soooo sorry,
My mom has decided that she would like to teach much much shorter students. That is right, for those who don't know, my mom will be teaching pre-K next year!!! You had a good run Mrs. Wheeler. A good run.
Also, my friend at work had one of those suction cup ball things that kids get for having five tickets at Pistol Pete's. And I thought it would be a good idea for him to see if he could stick it to the fourth story window of our building. Turns out he could, and a day later, it is still there. I wrote up a little news story on this subject. I hope you saw it on the email.

Well, I guess that is all the news I've got so far. I hope the beautiful month of April is treating you well. I would like to welcome a new member to the Lauren in the City receivers. Mommo!!! Hooray, she finally has an email address. Good work Mommo!
Have a good rest of the month, and get ready for the best month of all months...
Well, gotta go, I've got some very important grown-up city things to do now!

Lauren "Dixie Chicks' Biggest Fan of All Time!!!" Wheeler


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