Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Lauren in the City 7


Hello, hello, all you non-city dwellers! How is it going, I hope this email (or blog) finds you well. It's now time for...
It is now the 1,173rd day since President Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq (just so you know), and life has been crazy since I last wrote (so very many moons ago). A lot has gone on since LITC 6, so this could be long. I will try to do better and update more often, but it's tough, I have a lot going on!

May rocked the bottom out!!! My favorite part of May was the new Dixie Chicks CD. If you don't have it yet, finish reading my email, run, don't walk to some sort of vehicle and get yourself to Best Buy and buy it NOW!!!! The CD at Best Buy has an extra song on it, so that is why I recommend getting it there. My stupid Target copy is missing this extra song, but it did come with a secret code to use for pre sale tickets!!! I am the proud owner of FLOOR seats to the Dixie Chicks Accidents and Accusations tour here in the sweet, sweet city of Dallas!

I also have 12th row seats to Kelly Clarkson!!! I'm so rushing the stage. Lauren in the City 8 will be all about me getting arrested at the Kelly Clarkson concert. And then Kelly will think it was cool that I'm so passionate about her music and she will ask me to come on tour with her...I digress.

I got to go to Albany, NY to place a kid. It was exciting, but I was ready to come home. It's not that much fun to take a vacation by yourself. I was a little bored.

Auburn and Kellie came to town for Crazy Fun Dallas trip 2006. I finally got to go to the zoo. I was a little disappointed, though, there weren't any polar bears.

Adi's wedding is almost here and then I am done with weddings until next year!!! No one else is allowed to get married for a while, OK.

In other news, it's summer and that means it's time for... (drum roll....)

LAUREN'S BEST OF SUMMER LIST 2006 (turns out there is a lot I'm excited about this summer. Sorry.

#10 Summer TV (much more lame than Fall TV, but what can you do?)
-Entourage- Best show!!! Sex and the City, but with dudes and not as fabulous of shoes.
-Hannah Montana- Fun for the whole Family.Yes, I'm 23. Why can't I like a show like this. Don't judge me.
-Grey's Anatomy Re-runs- still good. Also, you can check those out on Thursdays and Sundays!!!
-Dane Cook
Tour&#$% I'm not sure if I should write this name, there could be little eyes reading this. Any way, Dane Cook is a comic genius!!! LOVE HIM!!! Check it out if you have HBO
-The Office Re-runs- always funny, no matter how many times you see it.
-Chappelle's Show: Lost Episodes: Dave is not into Comedy Central releasing this, but they are all we have at the moment, so check it out!
-Pee Wee's Playhouse on the Cartoon Network- Relive your favorite fun times with Cowboy Bob, Mappy, Genie, and the giant foil ball.
-Rock Star- My cousin's friend is on it, Patrice Pike. She rocks!!! There is also this crazy chick who also rocks in a weird almost scary way, and a really really hot Australian guy!!! Watch and vote. It's a guaranteed good time! So much more talent than American Idol.

#9 Mr. and Mrs. Smith- Unrated Extended Version- HOT HOT HOT!!! It's the new Unfaithful. Not for Kids!!!!

#8 Fun times on the World Wide Web:
Here are a few links to the stuff on the web that makes the day go by just a little faster. (If you play on the internet while you are at work, which I absolutely don't do.): here are a few examples of why this is my favorite site:(remember, not for kids or those easily offended)
Brunettes Have 4 Weeks More Fun
Blond Girl: I don't understand, it's stupid, you multiply it by 4.
Brunette Girl: No, there are 52 weeks in a year.
Blond Girl: No, you multiply the months by 4. 12 months in a year
times 4.That's 48 weeks
The Office Webisodes- and everything on this site!!!
- As if celebrities and clowns aren't scary enough on their own, what happens when you put the two together?
Namibia is For Lovers T-shirt. Screetch from Saved By the Bell is going to lose his home if you don't buy a 15 dollar t-shirt. Or you can give him 20 and he'll sign it. I'm not sure if that will make the shirt plummet in value
#6 My Birthday!!! I met and took a picture with Peyton Manning.WOOO HOOO. I have a picture if anyone would like to see it. I let him in on a little advice. Running that offense out of the shotgun is a good plan, but he needs to mix it up more and... who am I kidding, I don't watch football.
#5 HBO and Comcast on Demand- Days and days of lazy fun.

#4 The Asian Chicken Salad at McDonalds. It's soooooo good! I eat it at least once a week.

#3 Laying by my pool. Sun tanning has reached a new level of fun when it is joined by episodes of The Office and Weeds on the iPod. The cute boys that apparently stay hidden all winter but live by the pool in the summer don't hurt either.

#2 Summer movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: Good if you like cliffs and hangers.
A Prairie Home Companion: Sooo funny. I could have gone without Lindsey Lohan's character and about half of the songs they kept singing, but Woody Harleson and John C. Riley are a comic duo that should really think about spin off movies.
Sadly those are the only movies I have seen this summer. I need to get on that. I'm pretty sad I haven't seen X Men or Superman yet :( Movies I will see are: My Super Ex- Girlfriend, The US vs. John Lennon, Little Miss Sunshine ( I can't wait for that one!), Talledega Nights, Snakes on a Plane (just like the title of that one), Scanner Darkly

What else would #1 be. Awesome CD and Rockin' tour will rule everyone's Summer lists!

and quickly for the worst of summer list:
President Bush- did anyone see that slip of the press conference in the Rose Garden where he called out the reporter for wearing sunglasses. Yeah, that guy is blind. That was so funny. Go here to check it out.
TV shows that are supposed to take the place of good shows during the summer, you know who you are, Windfall.
Star Jones- shut up already
Who's bright idea was it to remake Adventures in Babysitting. This enrages me because Raven Simone is set to play the baby sitter. That's just wrong!!!
Why did I not get into the World Series of Pop Culture?! I would rule that game. Next year.

OK that's enough. Way too long. Sorry. Have a good summer (what's left of it). I have to run, I've got a lot of really important grown-up stuff to do. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow. (I'm trying out new sign offs. Feel free to suggest some)

Lauren "Way too long of an email writer" Wheeler

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lauren in the City 6


Hello all you non-awesome city dwellers! How's it goin'? Things are fantastic in this beautiful city I like to call Dallas! Not very many funny things happened last month (March for those who forgot), so that is why LITC was late; I had to get inspired! And I now have. I think that I will do March and half of April, because I wasn't inspired until now and it's April. Any who...
March started with a BANG, no it started with a KAAAABBBOOOOOMMMMMMMM!
Yes, my friends, I finally got to see the Toadies, and release my mother from the prison of my discontent for her. For those of you who are unaware of this story, which is pretty much everyone but my mom...
It all started in the year 2001... (imagine some memory travel music)
One of my favorite bands in the whole world was the Toadies. They were so cool. They totally rocked it out, and FINALLY, I was old enough to go see them in concert. And they came to Lubbock for a show. Long story short, I went to the concert, they came on late, so I called my mom to get a rare curfew extension (yes, I was 18 with a curfew, it happens). Alas, I was not granted clemency, and I had to leave the concert early. I only witnessed two ingenious songs... A few weeks later, I received the news that my beloved Toadies had broken up, and my chance to see them was lost FOREVER...
Back to the present, well not really present, back to March 2006. A mere five years later, I found out that the TOADIES WERE COMING TO DALLAS FOR A ONE TIME SHOW!!!! WoooooHooooo!!!
So I went, it was awesome and I now can forgive my mom. MOM, I forgive you!!!
That was a lot longer than I thought it would be, sorry.
Before the Toadies, we got to see a St. Patty's Day parade! It was really fun. I think, though, that it was really the Dallas County parade of FREAKS! There were some weird peeps in that parade. Also, Kinky Friedman was there! That dude is crazy, but very entertaining. Vote for Kinky, he will do some really great stuff for techers! Seriously, look it up.
The rest of the month went without a hitch. Stuff at work is getting CRAZY!!! I have a lot of stuff to do. I got to name a kid. No, really I did. When she is adopted the parents will probably re-name her, but for now her name is Winfrey Lea. I have another kid to name, so if you have any suggestions...
Also, it's time once again for my annual Kelly Clarkson concert time. Tickets are on sale this Saturday!!! The concert is in San Antonio! That should be super duper!!! And in slightly more exciting news...
I am sooooooo excited about this one. Their new album comes out MAY 23rd!!! You can hear their new song on their website They also have a new video, it's creepy, kind of Crucible-like. I love it!!! And I love them!!! They are touring this summer and that is why, it will be THE BEST SUMMER EVER!!!!
OK, just a few more things...
Now for news:
I hope this is OK to write. If not soooo sorry,
My mom has decided that she would like to teach much much shorter students. That is right, for those who don't know, my mom will be teaching pre-K next year!!! You had a good run Mrs. Wheeler. A good run.
Also, my friend at work had one of those suction cup ball things that kids get for having five tickets at Pistol Pete's. And I thought it would be a good idea for him to see if he could stick it to the fourth story window of our building. Turns out he could, and a day later, it is still there. I wrote up a little news story on this subject. I hope you saw it on the email.

Well, I guess that is all the news I've got so far. I hope the beautiful month of April is treating you well. I would like to welcome a new member to the Lauren in the City receivers. Mommo!!! Hooray, she finally has an email address. Good work Mommo!
Have a good rest of the month, and get ready for the best month of all months...
Well, gotta go, I've got some very important grown-up city things to do now!

Lauren "Dixie Chicks' Biggest Fan of All Time!!!" Wheeler

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Yes, that's right another month has been nicely folded and tucked away, that means it's time for another exciting...


Helllloooooo all you country dwellers, and Elaine and Amber R.(Tulsa counts as a city right?) What is goin down?!!! Things are fantastic here in the great city of Dallas! February was a big month for me, I'll get to that later.
At the first of the month not really anything happened. I finally got a case load, that is not feasible to work with. The "Governor" says that caseworkers should have seven cases max, I am topping out at about 24. The average is 40. Good thing I'm in the union, so I can fight such injustices in the future. Whatever.
I have discovered It is the best thing in the world! You can check the artist, songs and albums you like and then, the magic that is the Internet plays them for you and throws in some songs that you haven't heard since Jr High and that you secretly still love. It's really a magical thing. Just go to and click on music. You have to join, but it's free and it's worth your time. I think you can also listen to my station some how. That would be fun. Seriously. They play the Cranberries like 20 times a day. I love it! If anyone can think of anything cooler than this let me know.
I came to Lubbock, sorry for any of those who missed me that trip, Mom, Dad, pretty much everyone. It was fun, but I like Dallas much more. I want to come to Lubbock when there is not a wedding or a baby being born or something like that. Uhhhh, what else, I got Bronchitis. Then I spent 100 dollars at the freakin' pharmacy! Being a grown up sucks sometimes, I guess. I have lost 15 lbs!!! WoooHOoooooooo. That means only 4 more and I have reached one of my goals and I get to buy myself an ipod!. I hope I can knock those babies out this week so I can get my ipod next week. I can't wait for my ipod! I'm going to name it Curtis.
I have discovered something new here that I love love love! It's called midnight movies at the Inwood theater! They play old movies at midnight at this movie theater that is also a bar! It's super fun! I saw one of my all time favorite movies, Donnie Darko there the other night! Next week is Sixteen Candles, then PULP FICTION!!! Then Reservoir Dogs!!! Then, drum roll.....GOOOONIES!!!!! It's like they went into my brain and said, what are some movies that Lauren would really like to get a chance to see on the big screen? Then they picked them all. If only they had Drop Dead Gorgeous or From Justin to Kelly. Just joking on that last one. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. No really, I'm not. Am...
hummmm. What else exciting has happened lately.... I can't really think of anyth...
I am now the official movie reviewer for Kidd Kraddick in the morning. Or at least until they get tired of me and stop calling. Last week I reviewed Running Scared. There was a lot going on in the studio, so I don't really think I did very well, but it was a blizast! They wouldn't really let me talk, I had like four pages of jokes to do, but I didn't get to do them. I'll have to be more persistent. Big Al and Kidd are kind of good lookin' in a weird perv-old man kind of way. For those of you who don't know, Kidd Kraddick is a NATIONAL RADIO SHOW!!! And I'm on it. Can you believe it!!??? You can tune in to to listen live if you live in the sort of land that doesn't carry Kidd (Amber R). Tonight I am going to see Dave Chapelle's Block Party, I like to go to these special critics' screenings because there are real critics there and they are hilarious to watch a movie with. I'm not that excited, but at least I'm not going to a horror movie. What will I do when I have to go see a horror movie, when does the Hills Have Eyes remake come out? I think next week. I may have to be out of town or something for that one. The movies out right now really suck. I can't wait till the Oscars are over and the good movies can start coming out again.
Also, on Friday when I am on, Ashley Parker Angel (formerly of O-town) will be in studio. I am going to take a picture with him and tell him that I like his show, but I hated his band. Then I might buy him breakfast because I hear he's broke these days. Mom, O-town was one of those cookie cutter boy bands of the late 90's and he was in it. Now he is broke and he has a reality show on MTV about being a loser. He's real cute too. I'm going to wear a nice shirt. So, that's that. If y'all think of anything funny to say about something funny Dave Chapelle says email me and maybe I can use it on the show.
I guess that is about it. I will be back in Lubbock in April, maybe later March, but probably not. You all need to come and see me in Dallas!!! But please, not all at the same time, I only have one blow-up bed.
Oh, also, my dad (some of you may know him) made a HOLE IN ONE!!!! I am so proud! I wish so much that I could have been there! Way to go DAD!!!
I guess that is all for now. I can't really think of anything else. Kidd Kraddick is kind of over shadowing everything right now. Sorry, I just found out they want me back for this week. I'm still a bit excited.

I would like to hear from (insert name) in the (country, city, suburb, etc.), it doesn't have to be just me doing the news letter. Also, everyone, I have officially quit chain emails. Do not send me them. I don't care if it's from your mom and a starving kid with cancer needs my email do not send them to me. I do my part for helping kids, I think I'm good in that realm. You will rue the day if you send me a junk or chain email. I want only personal messages, or funny things. OK, that's all on that. Sorry to get all begiggetty.
Well, I'd like to write more, but I know you are all very busy! And, I am busy too, busy, but worn out.

OK, so I guess that is all for now. Gotta run, I've got some grown-up city stuff that must be done...later. Love y'all!!!

Lauren Ebert


Yes, that's right another month has slipped away, and you know what that means...
It's time for
LAUREN IN THE CITY 4!!!: HAPPY NEW YEAR EDITION!!!!! WooHooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The month started off really well when I won the College Bowl picks contest!!! Haha all you Idalou people. How could a group of football coaches get beat by someone who just picked the winners by if they had a hot quarterback, if their mascot was cute, or if their colors were pleasing? Just kidding, I don't want to gloat, I'm just glad to have that money!!! See you next year Blair McGee.

So January went pretty well. I went to my first dirty house at work. And when I say dirty I don't mean dirty like my room was when I was in college. I'm talking make-you-vomit-if-you-stay-in-there-for-too-long dirty. I won't nauseate you will all the gory details, but let's just say it involved Animal Cops Dallas, three big dogs, a two room shack, a cracked out crazy lady, and a WHOLE lotta dog poo! When we were there I found a crack pipe. I was very proud of my discovery! The cops were too. They arrested crazy crack lady and her three dogs.

In other work news I finally graduated from the academy! I was sooooo glad. That place sucked. I am now a part of the first graduating class of the "new and improved" CPS training system. And by "new and improved" I mean long and incredibly boring. The instructors informed us three days before the "graduation ceremony" that we had to plan our own graduation. I was like, "sweet, let's not have one and go home early." No one else shared my enthusiasm. No, instead we had one of the other students sing a gospel song. I tell you what; I was feeling the Holy Spirit after she was done. Not really, it wasn't that good. Then to top it all off someone in my class had the bright idea of wearing New Year's hats for the ceremony. I felt so lame. But, I survived and I now have started my real work. I already have five cases. I'm not too excited about that part.

In other news, not much has been going on. I'm kind of boring these days. That's cool, someday I will find something cool to do on the weekends. I'm thinking wind surfing, pro-bass fishing, base-jumping, or knitting. If anyone has any ideas for fun hobbies for me, I am open for suggestions.

I saw a few movies this month. #1 on my January list is Match Point! Holy guacamole that was a good movie!!! It could be my favorite this year. I watched Cinderella Man the other day. It was really really good, I recommend it. I also rented a documentary called Murder Ball, it is about the US quadriplegic rugby team. It was really good. I also saw Brokeback Mountain, and I really liked it. I didn't like Jake Gyllenhaal's pedophile mustache towards the end of the movie, but I think I will let that go. Oh, I also rented Junebug. I was soooooooooo soooooooo soooooo good. I loved it. It has Ryan from the OC in it. He was a jerk, but the movie was awesome. I can't think of any thing else that I saw this month, but I know there has to have been more. If not, I am seriously slacking in my movie watching.

I started Weight Watchers and I have already lost 7 pounds in two weeks! I am really excited about that.

And now for the stupid or funny story, (it's subjective how you will feel about it) of the month:
Adi and I decided that it would be fun to test out my new Kitchenaid by making a delicious dessert. So we couldn't decide between a key lime pie and a raspberry lemon pound cake, so we decided to make both. It was really fun to cook and we were having a good time. We felt like chefs. The key lime pie was done first. Long story short, it was the most disgusting thing I had ever eaten!! It tasted like feet! Sick!
So we threw it away and decided that the pound cake would be our saving grace. Nope. It took the place of the ill-fated key lime pie as the worst thing I had ever eaten. I would have rather eaten Thanksgiving dinner on the floor at the crazy crack lady's dog poo house. Seriously, it was gross. I felt like a failure. It turns out that you need cake flour when it calls for it, not regular flour. Also when it says sifted cake flour you should always sift. Don't try to cut corners. Also when making a key lime pie, never, ever ever ever, use anything but freshly squeezed key lime juice. Never try to save time by buying the juice that had already been squeezed. Trust me, it smells and tastes like skunk. I'm still looking for what my signature dessert will be. I have to find something that I can use my Kitchenaid to make, and that is good for Weight Watchers. Any suggestions?

OK, so I guess that is all for now. Gotta run, I've got some grown-up city stuff that must be done post haste.

Love y'all,Lauren

LAUREN IN THE CITY VOLUME 3: Special End of Year Edition!!!

Hello everyone!!!!! How's it going?
Things are great here in the city. Christmas was on Sunday for those of you who forgot. It was a good time. Things at work are going pretty good. I am still in the academy. Blah. Blue (the fish) is still doing well, although I put a Christmas tree in his bowl and he pushed it over, then I thought, how rude am I to assume he celebrates Christmas, I think he is Jewish. As I write this I am noticing that not a lot has gone on this month. So, to spice things up and make this Lauren in the City as fun as emailing-ly possible, I will now comprise a list of my favorite and least favorite things of 2005. Sorry, this is going to take a while to read:
And now I bring to you, Lauren's favorite things of 2005!!!!! (in no particular order)

Movies I love love loved!!! (in no particular order)
Jarhead- Jake Gyllenhaal is hot hot hot!
Rent-I've seen it twice and I can't get enough of it! I had to cover my mouth with my hands to keep from singing aloud
Crash- makes you think, unless you are dumb and don't think
Red Eye- I was so afraid the whole movie, but everything turned out OK
Sky High- so funny and cute. Fun for all ages, the girl who turns into a guinea pig is the cat's pajamas
Mr. and Mrs. Smith- hot hot hot
Mad Hot Ballroom
Was Garden State this year? (See above picture)
at this time, I can't think of anymore.

TV- funny moments and shows I wish would go on forever!
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE- very entertaining, especially the effeminate guy who thought he was the greatest dancer in the world! I also loved Kellie's and my attempts to rename the show: So You Can Think You Can Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, That show where those people dance a lot, SYTYCD, etc
Season Finales!: This was the year of awesome season finales: Alias, I literally fell off the couch at this one. The OC, Holy Moly! Six Feet Under, so deep, so sad, yet so happy. Nip/Tuck, frightening and really gross. ER, crazy.
The time on Lisa Kudrow's show, The Comeback, when she hit the bad guy in the stomach and he barfed, thus causing her to barf. Hilarious and gross.I think Kellie, will be the only one who knows what I am talking about, that's cool.
Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Robot Chicken, Alias, Arrested Development: all my favorite shows of 2005
Bob Loblaw on Arrested development. Just saying his name out loud makes me laugh. Also from Arrested Development, Charlize Theron as the mentally retarded British woman who no one knew was mentally retarded because she was British and spoke so eloquently.

My MP3 player. Love it can't live without it.
TIVO-- possibly the greatest invention since the wheel and string cheese
Blockbuster online- so much fun, and you guys thought I had seen a lot of movies before.
Some of my favorite things on the Internet: the most hilarious thing of the year: the bear on the trampoline
This blond joke, courtesy of Jennifer Cooke: A blond was reading the newspaper and the headline blared, "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed." She shook her head at the sad news, then turned to the stranger sitting next to her and asked, "how many is a Brazilian?" - funny, random and weird, my three favorite things

My favorite people of 2005 are Kelly Clarkson, Rachel McAdams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sarah Silverman, Kanye West, Jennifer Garner, Suzy from the Biggest Loser, Cody Hodges, Hillary Swank, Drew Barrymore, Madonna and Coldplay, Oprah and Ellen
Random Cool Things from 2005:
All of my friends who got engaged, married and/or pregnant this year. That's enough. I can't go to anymore weddings. Just kidding, I think I could stand a few more, Adi, Jennifer and whomever else I forgot. For those of you who got pregnant: I think all of you should name your kids Lauren.
Crazy people: whether they were crazy on crack or drunk, or just plain crazy, these people provided some of the most hysterical, at times frightening moments of 2005
My sudden affliction of Inappropriate Laughter Syndrome. I laugh at very inappropriate times. It's really funny, for those of you who haven't experienced it.
My favorite words of 2005: #1 didgeridoo, Sheboygan, donezo, tort, filibuster
Not being in school for the first time since 1989
That opera lady who sang at graduation, I thought I was going to wet my pants, that was so funny, for those of you who missed it, sorry 'bout ya, maybe you should have gotten out of bed earlier, (Amber)
My fish Blue

And my most favorite thing of 2005......(drum rolls please)....
DALLAS!!!! Wooohoooo and Kelly Clarkson and my new couch and my new Kitchenaid

Now quickly my least favorite things of 2005: shingles, Tyra Banks, Britney Spears and K Fed, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the advisers at Texas Tech, except Angel, President Bush, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, stupid people and Aunt Julie. Boo. A thousand times boo., a plague on your houses!

What are your favoirte and least favorite things of 2005? If any of you can think of anything I left out or disagree with anything, feel free to comment.
Well, kids, I guess that is it for 2005 Lauren in the City. I will see you all next year with Lauren in the City 4: 2006 Edition.
Gotta go, I've got lots of grown up city things to do now. Love y'all!


Monday, March 27, 2006


Hi everyone!!!
Now is the time you have all been waiting for! It's time for another exciting installment of LAUREN IN THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (extended version)
This month has been going swimmingly. I started the month in the Academy, or as I like to call it Auschwitz. It's all right. Not really, it kind of sucks, but oh well.

My half birthday was on the 11th. Thanks for all the call, cards, good wishes and gifts, everyone. Whatever! This week I am at OJT (on the job training) (oh, P.S. everything at CPS is in acronyms, as now am I). Anyway, I started this week at the office. I'm getting along with everyone in my office really well. It seems like I was lucky enough to be placed in the only unit that actually likes each other. I've seem some pretty crazy stuff this week. It would be wrong to say it was fun, but it kind of was. I'm also a little bit bored. I am yet to receive a case load because I'm still a rookie, so I do a lot of sitting around. Yesterday I drew a picture of George Washington on a pink Post-It note. Oddly enough it is like the best picture I have ever drawn. I am going to post it when I figure out how. Until then, just picture the best picture of George Washington on a pink Post-It that you have ever seen, it looks just like that.

The other day I was watching TV when I remembered that Medium was going to be in 3D. Unfortunately, I did not have any 3D glasses, so I was afraid I would miss out on all the 3D fun. So I used a red dry erase marker and a blue dry erase marker to color in the lenses on my glasses. I was so sure this would work, but then Kellie told me that this was stupid and it would definitely not work. Luckily the 3D episode is on the 21st, so I have time to find some real 3D glasses. I don't know why I told that story. Wow, I could be going insane.

In other news, Mom and Mommo came over for the weekend and we had a super fun time filled with side-splitting laughter and lots of shoppin. They helped me unpack the last few boxes that I was too extremely tired to unpack and Mommo ironed every piece of clothing I own. She also went ahead and cut all the tags off of everything, so I have no idea what size I wear.

Adi cam up last weekend and we went shopping for bride's maids dresses. For some reason me in these frilly dresses is just hysterical. We though we were going to get kicked out of David's Bridal for laughing so loud. We finally found one that doesn't look funny on me, so we left happy. We also tried out the Studio Movie Grill. For those of you in the Styx (Amber) that is where people can enjoy a fine dining experience while watching a movie. It would have been cool, but it was expensive and it smelled like everyone's food. Imagine onion rings, broccoli, and apple pie smells all mixed together. Gross. Other than those two things and all the noise, it was fun.

Wow, this is a long story, but I have a lot to say, so quite yo' complaining. Yesterday was the best day ever! I went to my first Mavericks game! Our seats were on the fifth row after the floor seats. We were almost on the floor and right by the rail. When the Mavs came back on the court after half time, my friend and I high fived them. We actually touched Dirk Nowitzki!!!!! Swoon! He liked my high five skills and asked me on a date right then and there. We are getting married next fall so keep September '06 open.

Blue (the fish) is still alive and swimmin'. He has a Thanksgiving themed fish bowl. He loves it. Maybe. Speaking of Thanksgiving, apparently I am having it at my house this year. For those of you coming to that, I suggest you bring your own chair or something to sit on because I only have four chairs. Also, if anyone has a table that would be great. This event will make for some good stories for Lauren in the City 3, stay tuned. Well, I guess that is it for this installment of Lauren n the City #2. Sorry it was so long, but I have got such a fun life goin' for me here in D-Town. Well, got to go. I've got some more grown-up city stuff to do. Love Y'all!!! Bye

Lauren Nowitski


Greetings from the City!!!!
I am having a Blast here in Dallas. For those of you who didn't know, I now reside in Dallas!!! I just wanted to update everyone. I am almost all the way moved into my apartment. My room still has a lot of unpacked crap in it (not literally of course). There are boxes all over one side of my room, so I literally have to get up on the wrong side of the bed every morning. Everything else is going great other than that. I started my job today and was in court all morning. I felt very important. It took me only 2 hours to get to my orientation in Arlington the other morning. Luckily I left the house at 6:30 so I got there right on time. Yes, Lauren Wheeler officially got out of bed before noon, way before noon. I'm becoming a grown-up already. My fish is still alive and swimmin' if anyone wanted to know. I don't have a couch yet, so if anyone wants to visit it's BYOB (bring yo' own bed) (sorry that was weak and really lame). Well, I guess that is it. Hope things are going will for those of you who live in the "Styx" (especially you, Amber Oklahoma) Gotta go, I've got some important city-grown-up stuff to do now.