Lauren In The City

Now Lauren in the City is bloggized!!! Not a real word, but who cares!!! Lauren in the City has gone global.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Lauren in the City 7


Hello, hello, all you non-city dwellers! How is it going, I hope this email (or blog) finds you well. It's now time for...
It is now the 1,173rd day since President Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq (just so you know), and life has been crazy since I last wrote (so very many moons ago). A lot has gone on since LITC 6, so this could be long. I will try to do better and update more often, but it's tough, I have a lot going on!

May rocked the bottom out!!! My favorite part of May was the new Dixie Chicks CD. If you don't have it yet, finish reading my email, run, don't walk to some sort of vehicle and get yourself to Best Buy and buy it NOW!!!! The CD at Best Buy has an extra song on it, so that is why I recommend getting it there. My stupid Target copy is missing this extra song, but it did come with a secret code to use for pre sale tickets!!! I am the proud owner of FLOOR seats to the Dixie Chicks Accidents and Accusations tour here in the sweet, sweet city of Dallas!

I also have 12th row seats to Kelly Clarkson!!! I'm so rushing the stage. Lauren in the City 8 will be all about me getting arrested at the Kelly Clarkson concert. And then Kelly will think it was cool that I'm so passionate about her music and she will ask me to come on tour with her...I digress.

I got to go to Albany, NY to place a kid. It was exciting, but I was ready to come home. It's not that much fun to take a vacation by yourself. I was a little bored.

Auburn and Kellie came to town for Crazy Fun Dallas trip 2006. I finally got to go to the zoo. I was a little disappointed, though, there weren't any polar bears.

Adi's wedding is almost here and then I am done with weddings until next year!!! No one else is allowed to get married for a while, OK.

In other news, it's summer and that means it's time for... (drum roll....)

LAUREN'S BEST OF SUMMER LIST 2006 (turns out there is a lot I'm excited about this summer. Sorry.

#10 Summer TV (much more lame than Fall TV, but what can you do?)
-Entourage- Best show!!! Sex and the City, but with dudes and not as fabulous of shoes.
-Hannah Montana- Fun for the whole Family.Yes, I'm 23. Why can't I like a show like this. Don't judge me.
-Grey's Anatomy Re-runs- still good. Also, you can check those out on Thursdays and Sundays!!!
-Dane Cook
Tour&#$% I'm not sure if I should write this name, there could be little eyes reading this. Any way, Dane Cook is a comic genius!!! LOVE HIM!!! Check it out if you have HBO
-The Office Re-runs- always funny, no matter how many times you see it.
-Chappelle's Show: Lost Episodes: Dave is not into Comedy Central releasing this, but they are all we have at the moment, so check it out!
-Pee Wee's Playhouse on the Cartoon Network- Relive your favorite fun times with Cowboy Bob, Mappy, Genie, and the giant foil ball.
-Rock Star- My cousin's friend is on it, Patrice Pike. She rocks!!! There is also this crazy chick who also rocks in a weird almost scary way, and a really really hot Australian guy!!! Watch and vote. It's a guaranteed good time! So much more talent than American Idol.

#9 Mr. and Mrs. Smith- Unrated Extended Version- HOT HOT HOT!!! It's the new Unfaithful. Not for Kids!!!!

#8 Fun times on the World Wide Web:
Here are a few links to the stuff on the web that makes the day go by just a little faster. (If you play on the internet while you are at work, which I absolutely don't do.): here are a few examples of why this is my favorite site:(remember, not for kids or those easily offended)
Brunettes Have 4 Weeks More Fun
Blond Girl: I don't understand, it's stupid, you multiply it by 4.
Brunette Girl: No, there are 52 weeks in a year.
Blond Girl: No, you multiply the months by 4. 12 months in a year
times 4.That's 48 weeks
The Office Webisodes- and everything on this site!!!
- As if celebrities and clowns aren't scary enough on their own, what happens when you put the two together?
Namibia is For Lovers T-shirt. Screetch from Saved By the Bell is going to lose his home if you don't buy a 15 dollar t-shirt. Or you can give him 20 and he'll sign it. I'm not sure if that will make the shirt plummet in value
#6 My Birthday!!! I met and took a picture with Peyton Manning.WOOO HOOO. I have a picture if anyone would like to see it. I let him in on a little advice. Running that offense out of the shotgun is a good plan, but he needs to mix it up more and... who am I kidding, I don't watch football.
#5 HBO and Comcast on Demand- Days and days of lazy fun.

#4 The Asian Chicken Salad at McDonalds. It's soooooo good! I eat it at least once a week.

#3 Laying by my pool. Sun tanning has reached a new level of fun when it is joined by episodes of The Office and Weeds on the iPod. The cute boys that apparently stay hidden all winter but live by the pool in the summer don't hurt either.

#2 Summer movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: Good if you like cliffs and hangers.
A Prairie Home Companion: Sooo funny. I could have gone without Lindsey Lohan's character and about half of the songs they kept singing, but Woody Harleson and John C. Riley are a comic duo that should really think about spin off movies.
Sadly those are the only movies I have seen this summer. I need to get on that. I'm pretty sad I haven't seen X Men or Superman yet :( Movies I will see are: My Super Ex- Girlfriend, The US vs. John Lennon, Little Miss Sunshine ( I can't wait for that one!), Talledega Nights, Snakes on a Plane (just like the title of that one), Scanner Darkly

What else would #1 be. Awesome CD and Rockin' tour will rule everyone's Summer lists!

and quickly for the worst of summer list:
President Bush- did anyone see that slip of the press conference in the Rose Garden where he called out the reporter for wearing sunglasses. Yeah, that guy is blind. That was so funny. Go here to check it out.
TV shows that are supposed to take the place of good shows during the summer, you know who you are, Windfall.
Star Jones- shut up already
Who's bright idea was it to remake Adventures in Babysitting. This enrages me because Raven Simone is set to play the baby sitter. That's just wrong!!!
Why did I not get into the World Series of Pop Culture?! I would rule that game. Next year.

OK that's enough. Way too long. Sorry. Have a good summer (what's left of it). I have to run, I've got a lot of really important grown-up stuff to do. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow. (I'm trying out new sign offs. Feel free to suggest some)

Lauren "Way too long of an email writer" Wheeler


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